Agenda item

Deputy Head's Report on Policies

To consider the report of the Deputy Head.


Governors considered the Deputy Head’s report, and scrutinised the policies presented.


A Governor queried whether some of the details in the Fire Policy (p.165 of the agenda pack) were up to date and suggested that the phrase ‘periodic review’ (p.85 of the agenda pack) be amended to give a specific timeframe – for example, every five years.


A Governor asked for further details on the fire drills referenced on p.156 of the agenda pack and asked whether any assessment was made on policy compliance. The Committee heard that drills took place termly and that details on those fire drills, including evacuation time, were kept by the School. Fire drill outcomes and observations were recorded by the School’s Operations team and forwarded to the SLT. It was confirmed that there were currently no problems with the fire alarm system, which is tested every Wednesday morning. Records of those tests are kept. Governors heard that a separate protocol was in place for boarders that included night-time drills.


Governors heard that the records of those fire drills would be available for consultation at the next School-based meeting.


Governors heard that only a small number of the SLT were aware of fire drill timings.


A Governor asked whether it was necessary to include a recommendation to collect “footwear and warm clothing” as referenced in section 77 of the policy (p. 103), and the meeting heard that the executive would consider recommending that pupils be taken to the Sports Hall.


A Governor asked whether the items marked as due for completion by 04 November 2021 (p. 255 onwards) had been completed, and the meeting heard that the School was up to date with all outstanding actions in that respect and that there were minor remedial actions to be taken, but none that were classed as urgent.


A Governor asked how mobile phone misuse was reported, and the Committee heard that phones were confiscated during the day and minor sanctions were issued.      


On the SEN and EAL policy, a Governor asked whether adjustments were made during exams for relevant pupils. The meeting heard that reasonable adjustments were made.


RESOLVED, That the following policies/documents be approved:


-               Online Safety

-               Special Educational Needs and English as an Additional Language

-               PSHE Schemes of Work

-               Fire

-               Fire Management Plan

-               Fire Risk Assessment

-               Main House Fire Risk Assessment


Supporting documents: