Agenda item

Health and Wellbeing Board Role Scoping Report

Report of the Director of Public Health.


The Board considered a report of the Director of Public Health providing scoping regarding the Health and Wellbeing Board Role.


In response to queries regarding the Health and Social Care Act currently going through Parliament, Members were informed that Health & Wellbeing Boards were mentioned but there was currently no great detail about what this would include. It was hoped this would become clear in early spring.


The Town Clerk advised that the Terms of Reference of the Board would be reviewed in February including a review of the Board’s membership.


With regards to the Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy, Officers confirmed that there had been a good response from peer research which engaged with communities to develop priorities. This was moving to the next stage and documentation was being drafted ready for consultation in the spring.   


RESOLVED – That Members:-


·         Note the report;


·         Comment on the role of the City of London Corporation’s Health and Wellbeing Board;


·         Note the progress of the Act and the recommendation that the Terms of Reference of the Board are reviewed after Royal Assent of the Health and Social Care Act;


·         Approve the proposed strengthened induction of new Board Members.

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