Agenda item

Better Care Fund 2021-22

Report of the Director of Community and Children’s Services.


The Board considered a report of the Director of Community and Children’s Services providing plans for the Better Care Fund for 2021-22.


A Member highlighted the aging population in the north of the City and asked if there were sufficient care facilities available within or close to the City boundary. Members were advised that many people wanted to maintain their independence with support at home resulting in people going into care homes later and for significantly shorter periods. An overarching piece of work looking at the need and demand for residential care and the viability of providing it within the City boundaries is being undertaken.


It was acknowledged that patients often wanted to be near their family which may not be in or around the City. Residential care was also often specialist, and the patient would need to go to a facility that met their specific needs.


With specific reference to Health & Wellbeing Boards, Members were informed that the BCF process required Board oversight and approval as it involved integration of health and social care, hospital discharges, joining up of services, support to care workers, plus there was a need to promote health and wellbeing and ensure the independence of people was maintained. Members were supportive and found it helpful to see what was being achieved for residents.


Members enquired how the BCF fits into new neighbourhood and primary care networks. The Chairman requested a future report proving the detail and implications in relation to the neighbourhood scheme.


It was noted that some residents in the west of the City registered with GPs in Camden and Officers were asked how hospital discharge was managed. Members were informed that support was available to all City residents whichever hospital they were discharged from. 


RESOLVED – That Members approve the Better Care Fund 2021-22

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