Agenda item

West Ham Park Fees and Charges Review for Sports and Events

Report of the Executive Director for Environment.


The Committee considered a report of the Executive Director Environment on the West Ham Park Fees and Charges Review.


A member raised concern that the proposed fees were not in line with the comparable figures which had been benchmarked. The Chairman commented that he did not perceive there to a be any problematic discrepancy in prices. The Executive Director Environment confirmed that an extensive benchmarking exercise had been completed and that prices had been increased in line with RPI. It was added that any discrepancies in pricing from the benchmarked figure were a reflection of local pricing and factors such as the extent of facilities at the different sites. The Deputy Chairman noted that the Committee had previously agreed to keep pricing in line with inflation until at least the end of the year. The Executive Director Environment explained that some local sites were due to review their pricing structure in April which would add to any current difference in price reflected in the report.



  1. The proposed schedule of charges (attached at Appendix 2) for sports facilities in West Ham Park for the 2022/23 financial year be approved; and
  2. The proposed Bringing Communities Together and summer fair events detailed in paragraph 14 be approved. 


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