Agenda item

Managing Director's Report

Report of the Managing Director of Bridge House Estates (BHE)


The Committee considered a report of the Managing Director of BHE providing an update on key areas of activity and outlining upcoming activities. The Managing Director of BHE introduced the report and the Committee discussed the updates provided.


London Councils Grants Committee


The Managing Director of BHE advised that the Chair of the BHE Grants Committee had agreed to serve as the City of London Corporation’s representative on the London Councils Grants Committee. The Managing Director of BHE added that this was an important partnership for the organisation and for CBT, and thanked the Deputy Chair for his contributions to the Committee during his time as representative.


London Funders


The Managing Director of BHE advised that work was ongoing with collaborative partners with a view to building on the success of the London Community Response/Fund (LCR/F), with a key element being the retention and development of the single application form. Officers were working in conjunction with other funders to develop a proposal to improve collaboration going forward and a recommendation for significant support would be submitted to the Grants Committee before the end of the financial year.


Learning Visits


The Managing Director of BHE thanked Members for their interest in attending a learning visit when possible, and advised that the Impact & Learning team would be in touch to arrange suitable dates with Members that had expressed interest. The Managing Director of BHE added that the visits would be beneficial for informing the Committee’s future work.


Beacon Collaborative


In response to a question from a Member, the Chair advised that he and the Deputy Chair had attended the annual strategic conference in October, which had been a positive and interesting event. The Managing Director of BHE advised that CBT was currently represented on the organisational side, but closer ties would be considered if the opportunity arose.


BHE Website


In response to a question from the Chair, the Managing Director of BHE advised that it was hoped to launch the new website by May 2022, with user group testing to take place beforehand.


RESOLVED – That the report be noted.

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