Report of the Managing Director of BHE
The Committee considered a report of the Managing Director of BHE providing the Committee with details of funds approved under delegated authority since the last meeting of the Grants Committee in September 2021 through to 25th November 2021; any grant variations that have been approved under delegated authority and seeking approval for 2 grant applications above the delegated authority threshold and 7 grant application rejections.
The Chair introduced the item and drew Members’ attention to the heat maps of London provided following the request at the last meeting. The Managing Director of BHE thanked Members for this feedback and advised that suggestions for any further tools that would be useful were welcome. The Managing Director of BHE added that grants information was publicly available through 360Giving, but that infographics and visual aids were part of the plans for the new website as a way to increase engagement.
In response to a question from a Member, the Managing Director of BHE then outlined CBT’s work with regards to ‘cold spot’ funding areas, noting that sometimes CBT cold spots were so as the sector was strong in that area. However, CBT tried to reach out across all areas of London, and through collaboration with and support of other funders may be involved with initiatives in cold spots indirectly.
The Committee then considered the grant applications appended to the report. The Managing Director of BHE introduced and presented the grant application in respect of Hammersmith and Fulham Association for Mental Health, noting the revised request and recommendation. In response to questions, the Managing Director of BHE advised that follow-on funding would be an option at the conclusion of the grant, and that the grant would complement rather than replace existing statutory funding. The Committee then agreed the application.
The Managing Director of BHE then introduced and presented the grant application in respect of Beacon Fellowship Charitable Trust (The Beacon Collaborative) and advised the Committee of a proposed amendment to the recommendations, that the condition in respect of the approval of negotiation outcomes be signed off by officers, rather than by the Chair and Deputy Chair. This amendment was agreed. In response to questions, the Managing Director of BHE gave the Committee further detail regarding the initiative’s strategy going forward and adaptation to the Covid-19 pandemic. The Committee then agreed the application.
The Committee then considered the applications recommended for rejection and agreed the recommendations.
The Committee then noted the variations to existing grants set out in the report. In response to a question from the Chair in respect of the grant to Neighbourly Care, the Managing Director of BHE explained that the monitoring process had involved reviewing progress against the original outcomes, and assured the Committee that officers met regularly to discuss learning where there had been issues relating to grants.
The Committee then noted the funds approved or declined under delegated authority. In response to a question from the Chair, the Managing Director of BHE advised that officers could look at ways to encourage the use of electric vehicles, given the prohibitive costs of the congestion charge and ULEZ, noting that CBT funded eco-audits in respect of buildings. The Committee noted that Livery Companies were also doing work in this area, and that it would link well with the wider City of London Corporation’s Climate Action Strategy.
RESOLVED – That the Grants Committee of the BHE Board:
a) Note the report;
b) Approve a grant to Hammersmith and Fulham Association for Mental Health of £160,000 across three years (£53,250; £53,250; £53,500) for a full-time Advice and Information Worker and associated costs, to provide advice services from two central hub locations and in alternative community and health settings across Hammersmith and Fulham and Hounslow. Draw down of funds is conditional on the information and advice service achieving Advice Quality Standard accreditation;
c) Approve a grant to Beacon Fellowship Charitable Trust (The Beacon Collaborative) of up to £350,000 over two years towards the work of the Beacon Fellowship Charitable Trust subject to satisfactory confirmation of the following conditions:
1. confirmed funding at a similar level from Arts Council England and/or other funders
2. demonstrating that the amounts requested from CBT constitute an appropriate proportion up to a maximum of 50% of the overall cost of each funded project relative to other secured funds; and
3. the satisfactory negotiation of key outcomes, milestones, delivery arrangements and payment schedules for each workstream (approval of the outcomes of such negotiation to be delegated to officers);
d) Agree the rejection of 7 grant applications in respect of Ezer Leyoldos Limited, Get Set Girls, Hackney Community Law Centre, African Smile, Half Moon Young People’s Theatre Ltd, Blue Ribbon Foundation and Sona Tech CIC.
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