Report of the Managing Director of BHE
The Committee considered a report of the Managing Director of BHE providing the operational risks for CBT, which forms part of the wider BHE risk register for review. The Managing Director of BHE introduced the report and drew Members’ attention to the key points.
A Member queried why Brexit had been taken off the Risk Register, as the report acknowledged that it may have to be reinstated at a later point, and fuel and food supply issues were still prevalent and relevant to the work of the Committee. The Managing Director of BHE responded that he was sympathetic to this view and advised that this could be reviewed. In response to a question from a Member regarding crisis management, the Managing Director of BHE gave the Committee further detail in respect of mitigations against funding decisions going wrong, both for the grantee and for CBT.
RESOLVED – That the Grants Committee:
a) Review the five risks currently on the register for this Committee and confirm that appropriate control measures are in place; and
b) Confirm that there are no other risks relating to the services overseen by the Grants Committee which should be added to the Operational Risk Register, or which should be escalated as ‘principal risks’ to the BHE Principal Risk Register.
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