Report of the Executive Director, Environment.
The Committee considered a report of the Executive Director, Environment concerning an application for stopping up of public highway for areas Fenchurch Street, Mark Lane, Mincing Lane and Star Alley, relating to the development of the site bound by these streets for which this Committee resolved to grant planning permission on 14 May 2020.
Officers explained that this report followed a report to this Committee on 26 January 2021 where Members had authorised the commencement of the process for the stopping up of the highway to enable the development of 50 Fenchurch Street. They had also agreed that unresolved objections to the proposed stopping up should be reported back to this Committee for their consideration. This report therefore considered the two unresolved objections and provided recommendations at paragraph 26 on how to now proceed.
RESOLVED – That the Committee:
1. Agrees that it is minded to make the order;
2. Acknowledges the objections and accepts that the objectors appear to be affected by the order;
3. Authorises the Executive Director Environment to notify the Mayor of London of the objections;
4. Authorises the Executive Director Environment to arrange for a local inquiry to be held, unless the Mayor of London decides that, in the special circumstances of the case, the holding of such an inquiry is unnecessary or the objection is withdrawn;
5. Instructs the Executive Director Environment to report to this Committee on the report of the person holding the local inquiry should such an inquiry take place; and
6. Instructs the Executive Director Environment to make the order should the Mayor of London decide that a local inquiry be dispensed with or the objection is withdrawn.
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