Agenda item

Social Housing Tenancy Fraud - 2020/21 Annual Report

Report of the Head of Internal Audit.


The Sub Committee received a report of the Head of Internal Audit which provided Members with an update on social housing tenancy fraud activity during the 2021/22 reporting year. It also provided Members with an update against our key anti-fraud initiatives in this area.


There were mixed views expressed in terms of criminalisation, particularly in respect of defendants appearing at the Central Criminal Court.    The officer advised that prosecutions only occurred in the most serious cases and support is always offered before recovery action, giving careful consideration to means and assets.  However, a criminal conviction is necessary in order to recover proceeds from crime, to cover the City’s legal costs.      There was a further point made in that a strong visible deterrent is necessary, as fraudsters are effectively depriving someone in genuine need of social housing.


Members noted a current anomaly whereby social housing tenants can purchase another property, whilst remaining in their social housing unit. The officer advised that the Tenancy Fraud Forum is supporting lobbying to change this.


RESOLVED, that – the report be noted.


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