Agenda item

CLS Pilot Extension: Procurement and Projects

Report of the TOM Programme Director.


The Sub-Committee considered a report of the TOM Programme Director providing an update on the City of London School Pilot extension: Procurement and Projects and the following point was made:


  • The Commercial Director confirmed that authority was requested for procurements to be run up to the current procurement thresholds by the Schools participating in the Pilot scheme.  The Schools would also have the option of seeking advice and support from the Central Procurement Team on the procurement process where necessary.


RESOLVED – That the following City of London School Pilot proposals be extended to the City of London School for Girls and the City of London Freemen’s School:


  • Authority be devolved to run non-works procurements in accordance with the City of London Procurement Code up to the Find a Tender Service (FTS) threshold, currently £189,330 with the option of drawing on the centre procurement team to advise and provide support to the procurement process where necessary; and,


  • Non-works procurements up to £300k, might also have more freedom over procurement strategy and options, depending on applicability of UK Public Contracts Regulations (PCR 2015) and acting always in accordance with the City of London Procurement Code. Agreement on process and lead would be made between City Procurement and the business.

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