Agenda item

BHE Grants Committee - Officer Delegations

Report of the Managing Director of BHE


The Board considered a report of the Managing Director of BHE setting out matters for the Board to consider and endorse to the Court of Common Council in respect of the BHE Grants Committee proposal on officer delegations that was considered by the Committee at its meeting in December 2021. The Chair introduced the item and outlined the recommended levels of delegation and associated process for approving grants via delegated authority. The Chair added that the recommended scheme would be reviewed after 6 months or two Committee cycles, with a view to the process being as efficient as possible and in the best interests of the charity.


In response to a question from a Member, the Managing Director of BHE advised that the aim was to achieve an appropriate balance between strategic focus and efficient decision-making, adding that officers had raised points to be considered in agreeing the delegations within the report. Furthermore, it was worth noting that the option recommended would require agreement to deviate from existing internal governance procedures of the City Corporation. The Managing Director of BHE commented that officers would naturally favour higher levels of delegation, but it was most important to ensure that London and its communities got the funding needed.


The Chair then drew Members’ attention to the options considered by the Grants Committee and the recommendation, as well as the points raised by officers. The Chair added the Board should consider the best interests of the charity and what would represent an appropriate balance in effectively administering the charity. The Board then agreed the option recommended by the Grants Committee, on the basis that this would be reviewed after 6 months.


RESOLVED – That the BHE Board endorse and recommend to the Court of Common Council the approval of a change to the City Corporation’s corporate governance framework in administering Bridge House Estates on a permanent basis, subject to a six-month review period (i.e., lasting two Grants Committee cycles), such that the full Grants Committee of the Board be consulted in the exercise of officer delegated authority in taking decisions on the award of grants of a value of between £100,001 and £250,000.

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