Report of the Markets Director.
The Committee received a report of the Markets Director regarding the Draft High Level Business Plan 2022/23.
In response to a question, officers agreed that any works should be shown as a risk until they had received full approval. It was suggested that the Health and Safety matters be highlighted as part of the approvals process.
Members suggested that, in terms of energy consumption on the Major Work Streams, the objective should be re-worded to reflect the fact that the desired outcome was ‘to achieve good value for tenants as well as reducing carbon footprints’.
Members also suggested that the central section on the Major Work Steam template be amended to show which areas the Committee should focus on.
RESOLVED – That the Committee:
· Note the factors taken into consideration in compiling the Markets Business Plan; and
· Approve, subject to the incorporation of any changes sought by this Committee, the departmental Business Plan for Markets Department for 2022/23 (or the elements therein that fall within this committee’s Terms of Reference)
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