Report of the Group Director of Adults, Health and Integration, London Borough of Hackney
The Board considered a report of the Director of Public Health presenting the proposed production process of the City and Hackney Joint Strategic Needs Assessment (JSNA) and the following points were made:
· There was a statutory requirement for local authorities and their partners to produce an annual JSNA to inform and underpin policy, commissioning, key strategies and other local plans designed to improve the health and wellbeing of their residents. It was proposed that the City and Hackney JSNA be based around a four-stage cycle comprising Initiation, Approval; Production and Evaluation. This cycle would further be supported by robust consultation and collaboration processes, both with local service users and stakeholders, as well as with neighbouring areas including as the London Borough of Tower Hamlets where some City residents accessed healthcare. It was also planned to update the City and Hackney JSNA website to reflect the evolving health and wellbeing profile and priorities of the City of London and London Borough of Hackney.
· The Chairman welcomed the proposed process to produce the City and Hackney JSNA, which reflected the key role of the Health and Wellbeing Board in approving and evaluating the JSNA, and noted that the annual timescales for producing the JSNA would need to fit with the commissioning and budgetary cycles of all stakeholders. In response to a question from a Board Member, the Health Intelligence Lead advised that the City and Hackney JSNA website was being designed as a flexible resource to provide health and wellbeing information at a range of levels but that this would be delivered in line with data protection requirements with no individuals being identifiable. The Chairman underlined the need for a direct link to the City and Hackney JSNA website from the City of London Corporation website to reflect the City of London’s joint ownership of this work.
· The new process be approved;
· The Health and Wellbeing Board contribute to the annual Joint Strategic Needs Assessment work plan as described within the process; and,
· Members’ comments on the timescales to initiate the annual Joint Strategic Needs Assessment process be noted.
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