Agenda item

Teaching and Learning Strategy

Report of the Principal, Guildhall School of Music and Drama.


The Board considered a report of the Principal in respect of the Teaching and Learning Strategy for 2001-2026.  Governors noted that this had been delayed during 2021,  whilst the School ensured that Covid-related changes to the  delivery and assessment processes maintained the high quality of student learning and continued to meet regulatory requirements.


Governors commended a comprehensive action plan and during the discussion on this matter the following points were noted:


a)       A more detailed version of the action plan was being created to include targets and KPIs.  Detailed annual reports and regular verbal reports would be presented to the Academic Board, with the  Board retaining overall responsibility for standards.


b)       It was suggested that the section on teaching choices be presented differently, so as not to suggest that standards are dependent on them.


c)       Governors noted that whilst research is always desirable, it is entirely demand led and if academics take up research work, their teaching time would be covered.


d)       An error was spotted in the report  in that it referred to a 10 week summer term in 23/24 and not 22/23.


RESOLVED, that – the Strategy and its implementation be approved.



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