Report of the City and Hackney Safeguarding Children Partnership(CHSCP).
The Sub Committee received a report of the City and Hackney Safeguarding Children Partnership which updated Members on the work being undertaken in response to Ofsted’s report on sexual abuse and harassment in schools and colleges; published in June 2020. Members noted that the CHSCP has been working with partners and schools to address the learning from the report.
During the discussion, the following points were noted:
a) The death of Sarah Everard had resulted in a much stronger focus on violence against women and girls (VAWG).
b) Victims of harassment and abuse can post testimonials on the ‘Everyone’s Invited’ website, which currently has 60,000 posts, many from schools and colleges. Ofsted had made it clear that Headteachers should take an active position, even if there are no references on the website, and must not assume that it has never been an issue.
c) The Local Authority Designated Officer (LADO) met with Headteachers and, whilst there are currently no significant concerns, had found them to be very pro-active in training, raising awareness and gaining feedback. An officer from Transport for London had spoken to the Girls’ School about sexual harassment on public transport and confidential help is available. The LADO also works closely with the Public Protection Team and the Education Safeguarding Forum.
d) A joint project with the Community Safety Team, on tackling domestic violence, had been piloted in one school and, due to its success, it would be expanded into all schools, focussing on those with special educational needs and disability (SEND) who might be more vulnerable. Additionally, the SEND Advisor has visited all schools.
e) Safeguarding partners focus on social media and technology, as they are accelerants for harassment, together with peer-on-peer abuse and cyber bullying. The City Corporation has been actively promoting the ‘Safer Schools App’, which was launched after the first lockdown. The app contains information about staying safe on line and how adults can be alert to the risks.
f) The Education Safeguarding Forum was originally set up for City of London Corporation Schools but now includes all City-sponsored Academies and education providers in the Square Mile. Schools in Hackney and Southwark have been invited to join, notwithstanding their own local authority statutory duties. This report is due to be presented to the next Education Safeguarding Forum, with feedback from today’s meeting.
g) Students over 18 in City accommodation are covered by the same safeguarding arrangements which apply to all adults living in the City. Young people (under 18) living in the City, but educated outside, are covered by the respective local authorities and the City Corporation works closely with them.
h) The Education Welfare Officer visits schools every term to investigate cases of persistent absence and local authority or City Corporation referrals.
i) There is an expectation within the Safeguarding Partnership that all schools are a ‘relevant agency’ and have a statutory duty to co-operate with local arrangements. When the partnership was launched, there was a 6-month initial period followed by the pandemic, which might have interrupted embedding. Officers accepted that there might be more work needed to strengthen understanding and this would be raised at the next Education Safeguarding Forum.
RESOLVED, that – the report be noted.
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