Agenda item

Education and Safeguarding Report

Report of the Director of Community and Children’s Services.



The Sub Committee received a report of the Director of Community and Children’s Services which provided an update on the Education and Early Years’ Service’s work over the past year.  Members noted an update since the despatch of the agenda in that all 16 and 17 year olds had been given places on accredited programmes.


During the discussion, the following points were noted:


a)              The Education welfare service would be covered in more depth in the next report. There is a new provision at Bishopsgate/Liverpool St which has been invited to the Education Safeguarding Forum.


b)              The Vulnerable Children list includes all children known to the Social Care Team, those who are home educated, those at risk of missing education and Afghan children with safeguarding concerns.  There used to be 40—50 in the City’s cohort but this was expected to increase, in line with government guidelines.


c)               School in Afghanistan starts at 7 years and the Early Years Team had secured nursery and reception placements, despite the late notice, and health visitors had been available to meet immediate needs.  All parents had been offered free entitlement to childcare, but some prefer not to take this up for cultural reasons.   The Committee commended the team’s sterling work in securing 220 school places in 6 weeks, noting that the population of school-age children in the City had  increased by 70% last August. 


d)              A playroom was opened for women and children, within days of their arrival, and this also served as a community focal point. 


e)              Most of the children had settled in very well and were enjoying school. Officers were starting to work directly with schools in respect of those children who might need SEN support.  Parents were also becoming self-sufficient in dealing directly with the schools.


f)                The Children’s Centre are offering English lessons at their drop in centres, with creche facilities.  Translators are available twice a week, together with an Early Help Worker, and the service is available on a 1-1 basis when parents need to speak to health workers and schools etc. 


Officers were commended for their hard work in helping our Afghan guests, within the limited resources and infrastructure available, and Members commended an exemplar of partnership working.


RESOLVED, that – the report be noted.


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