Agenda item

Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND) - Update Report

Report of the Director of Community and Children’s Services.



The Sub Committee received a report of the Director of Community and Children’s Services in respect of the work underway in supporting the needs and development of children and young people with SEND.


During the discussion, the following points were noted:


a)       Up to date figures on children and young people on SEND support/care plans can be provided to Members, on request.


b)       The recently appointed medical and clinical officers working with SEND cases are seeing progress in needs analysis. 


c)       The thresholds for all services are different and can be challenging; given the different entitlements available at each age group, and a Task and Finish Group had been set up to cover 0-25 years. Housing are now agreeing to prioritise looked-after children and officers would like to see this extended into apprenticeships. 


d)       Some children with SEND plans serve on the Youth Parliament, which supports the SEND Strategy objective of encouraging engagement in local communities and towards achieving good life outcomes.


e)       There will be one more meeting of the Task and Finish Group, ahead of more information being published.  SEND families also have access to independent advice via the parent/carer forum.


RESOLVED, that – the report be noted.


At 15.55 Members agreed to extend the meeting by 10 minutes to conclude the business on the agenda.


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