Agenda item

Terms of Reference

In accordance with the Order of the Court of Common Council, of 6 December 2012, the Committee are invited to review their terms of reference prior to their submission to the Court at its meeting in April 2013 (copy attached).



In accordance with the Order of the Court of Common Council, of 6 December 2012, the Board reviewed and approved their Terms of Reference prior to its submission to the Court at its meeting in April 2013.


It was agreed that the Terms of Reference of the Sub Committees be submitted to the May Board meeting.


It was also noted that the expansion, if any, of the Terms of Reference of the Board would be considered by the Governance & Effectiveness Sub Committee in due course.


RESOLVED – That the Terms of Reference be submitted to the Court of Common Council in April 2013 for approval and the Terms of Reference of the Sub Committees be submitted to the May Board meeting.


Supporting documents: