To approve the public minutes of the meeting held on 7th February 2022.
Resolved, that – the minutes of the meeting held on 7th February 2022 be approved.
Matters arising – provision for young people.
The Community and Children’s Services Committee would receive a report on recommissioning leisure services at their meeting on 20 July.
Officers had been working with Fusion Lifestyle and visited Mansell and Middlesex Streets, with a view to developing activities for gentle exercise and the provision of football. Two multi-use games areas had been identified on the estates, a coach was in place and Members would receive more detail in the next report.
A meeting with the new Lead Member for young people had been arranged for the following week.
The outcome from the engagement with children and young people would be embedded in the sports development service, which is due to be recommissioned. This would also be covered in the next report, together with provisions for women and girls in the East of the City and, in particular, single sex swimming sessions.
Given that the City has a large number of resident children participating in the London Youth Games, Members asked if this could be captured in the report.
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