Agenda item

Update on Violence against Women and Girls (VAWG) activity

Report of the Commissioner of the City of London Police.


Members received a report of the Commissioner regarding the Force’s activity to address Violence Against Women and Girls.


There had been some experience of Officers using language that seemed to trivialise rape and sexual assaults. It was a sensitive and delicate issue and it was recognised that members of staff were to be trained in this area. Standards were clear and anything beneath this is not tolerated.


Thought was being given as to how good news might be shared.


 A culture of partnering with other forces had started and peer review in this area would take place.


Extra funding (locally, regionally and nationally) had been made available for safer spaces, which fed directly into the work on VAWG.


All forces were driving work to improve the service experienced by victims and were bringing in expert partners to assist with a delivery plan. There was a need to manage trauma whilst gaining and keeping the trust of victims.


A question was raised about minority ethnic groups and whether individuals from these groups (some of whom may not have English as a first language), could be provided with additional support in coming forward, given the extra challenges they faced in doing so. In short, the Commissioner agreed that there was more to be done on demographics to identify a problem profile and the support to be given.


It was suggested that a Banter Policy be considered, so that a framework might be implemented around which people could challenge behaviour.


RESOLVED, that the report be noted.

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