Agenda item

Alliance Partnerships - Trust for London (19207, 19208)

Report of the Managing Director of BHE


The Committee considered a report of the Managing Director of BHE requesting funding of £3.5m to be awarded to Trust for London (TFL) for use toward onward grants and funder plus1 support within two new funds: a Racial Justice Fund (RJF) [19207] (accounting for £2m of the award) and a Disability Justice Fund (DJF) [19208] (accounting for £1.5m of the award). The Managing Director of BHE introduced the application and drew Members’ attention to the key points.


RESOLVED – That the Grants Committee of the BHE Board endorse a grant of £3.5m, as an Alliance Partnership, for onward approval by the Bridge House Estates Board, to Trust for London [charity no: 20529] for onward grantmaking as part of two funds:


  1. £2m for the Racial Justice Fund which will directly resource Black and minority-led organizations working at the intersections of racial and economic justice to address systemic policies and inequities. The funding is to be restricted to support organisations benefitting Londoners.
  2. £1.5m for the Disability Justice Fund, providing grants to strengthen the disability movement in London by supporting organisations led by Deaf and Disabled people to grow in effectiveness, power, and influence. The funding is to be restricted to support organisations benefitting Londoners.


A payment schedule will be drawn up, allowing the funds to be paid to TFL in instalments over the course of the grant commitment period and to be received prior to onward grants being committed/paid.

Supporting documents: