Agenda item

Report: Action Taken since the Court's Last Meeting

To receive a report of action taken by the Court of Aldermen in accordance with the Court’s urgency procedures (Standing Order No. 46) since it last meeting on 8th February 2022.


Report of Action taken - Applications for Freedom of the City (in the Companies named)


The Court was advised that, in accordance with Standing Order No. 46 (Court of Aldermen), on 1 March 2022 the Lord Mayor (on behalf of the Court of Aldermen) was consulted by the Town Clerk about the list of applications for Freedom of the City (in the companies named). Thereafter, on 2 March 2022 approval was granted by the Town Clerk for the attached list of applications for Freedom of the City (in the Companies) named and for the Clerk to the Chamberlain’s Court to be instructed accordingly.



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