Agenda item

Any other Business that the Chairman considers Urgent


The Chair advised the Committee of his recent election as  Alderman for Aldersgate Ward.  Given that this would take up a considerable amount of  his time, and there could be a potential conflict of interest, he would be standing down as Chair of the RCC.  The Chair had served for 5 years, and it was noted that the City Corporations Governance Review had recommended that Chairmen should serve a maximum of 4 years.   The Chair would stay in post until the September 2022 meeting, when there will be an election for a new Chair.   If helpful, and if the Committee were agreeable, he would be happy to take up a Deputy Chair position for the following year.  In concluding, the Chair thanked the officers and the Deputy Chairs that had served over the past 5 years.  Members congratulated the Chair on his election and thanked him for his dedicated service.