Agenda item

Appointment of Sub-Committees 2022/23

Report of the Town Clerk.


Members considered a report of the Town Clerk regarding its sub-committees and appointments.


The Town Clerk explained that, following a decision taken by the Court in response to the Governance Review, that the Education Charity Sub-Committee would not be re-appointed this year. Instead, its functions would fall to the Education Board. Decisions relating to the charities (as described in the Court Order) would no longer need approval from the Community & Children’s Services Committee.


The Chair would continue to act as a Company Member of the City of London Academies Trust (COLAT). Alderman Robert Howard would continue to act as the Deputy Chairman’s nominee. This had the support of the Board.


The Chair noted that the Nominations Sub would need to meet to consider three of the four co-optee appointments. A skills audit of the Board would be conducted, then a recruitment exercise undertaken by the Sub-Committee, with nominees to be put forward for appointment by the Board.


RESOLVED, that:-


·       The terms of reference of the Nominations Sub-Committee, be approved as set out within the report;

·       Alderman Sir Peter Estlin and Mary Robey be appointed the Nominations Sub-Committee (in addition to the Chair and Deputy Chairman); and

·       The appointment of Caroline Haines and Alderman Robert Howard as Company Members of COLAT, be endorsed.


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