Agenda item

Governor Appointments Update

Director of Community and Children’s services.


Members received a report of Director of Community and Children’s Services regarding Governor Appointment Updates.


It was noted that City Junior School is not currently included at Appendix 1. Members were informed that this will be included in the report for the October meeting.


The report highlighted that two local governing bodies had not yet appointed parent governors and that four local governing bodies had not yet appointed staff governors. The Board discussed the importance of involving parents and staff in the decision-making process, but also noted the difficulties schools face in filling vacant governor positions.


It was noted that there had been delays with obtaining DBS checks due to staffing issues. The Chair informed the Board that there was now an appointed contact in HR who should be contacted regarding DBS checks.


The Chair informed the Board that she will be stepping down as Chair of Governors at Newgate Collegiate Sixth form in the Autumn term.


It was also noted that officers at the City of London Corporation could act as governors on school boards and the Board discussed what had been done to advertise this.


RESOLVED - That the report be noted

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