Agenda item

Capital Funding Update

Report of the Chamberlain


The Board considered a report of the Chamberlain seeking agreement to the release of BHE funding (following gateway approvals) to allow capital schemes to progress. The BHE & Charities Finance Director introduced the report and advised that a standing delegation to officers would be sought for these matters under the wider corporate Scheme of Delegations. The BHE & Charities Finance Director added that an additional £21,000 of BHE funding was sought for the End Device User Refresh project, which was agreed.


RESOLVED – That the BHE Board agree a contribution of £201,000 towards the cost of progressing the Guildhall Cooling Plant Replacement project, and a contribution of £21,000 towards the cost of progressing the End Device User Refresh project, to be met from the provision set aside from the Unrestricted Income Fund.

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