Report of the Commissioner.
The Sub-Committee received a report of the City of London Police Commissioner on the Q4 Performance against Policing Plan Measures.
The Commander introduced himself to the Committee and noted he was not able to attend in person due to an urgent operational matter. The Committee Chair and Chair of the Police Authority Board thanked the City of London Police for their excellent work regarding a recent murder investigation and for keeping Members informed appropriately.
The Chair thanked the Assistant Commissioner for his attendance at a recent City-Wide Residents meeting noting that his answers were well received by the residents and Members in attendance.
The Chair noted that the majority of the performance measures were listed as satisfactory and that this represented a positive trend. In addition, it was noted that this would be the last performance report in the current format which would be moving to more reflective performance measures. Officers highlighted the progress made but commented that was further improvements to be made.
The Committee commented on the need to include the proposed action for each of the performance measures, particularly those which were listed as requiring improvement, and a date when these actions would be completed. It was added that it was important to include appropriate metrics for success which were linked to directly to the Policing Plan.
The Chair requested that a reporting mechanism be established to ensure that he was appropriately informed outside of committee to replace the work previously completed by the Strategic Leads.
The Committee requested further details on why the satisfaction rates were decreasing and whether any of these measures ever surpassed the rating of satisfactory. The Chair commented that whilst the satisfaction rates were still under the 2019 pre-lockdown rates the direction of travel was not positive. Officers explained that the first quarter results and the current scoring system for their suitability were both under review.
Answering a Committee Member’s query Officers informed the Sub-Committee of the governance measures in place regarding Stop and Search. The Committee agreed that the appropriate committee to receive further detail on the governance of Stop and Search would be the Professional Standards and Integrity Committee with the deep dive on victim services being received by the Strategic Planning and Performance Committee.
RESOLVED- That the report be noted.
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