Agenda item

Adult Safeguarding Performance Report, Q3 YTD 2021/22

Report of the Director of Community and Children’s Services.

Members are asked to note a non-public appendix at agenda item 22.



The Sub Committee received a report of the Director of Community and Children’s Services which advised Members of the level and nature of adult safeguarding concerns received by the City of London Corporation during quarter three (Q3) of 2021/22 as well as the year to date (YTD) figures for the Q3 2021/22 reporting period.  Members noted that, during this period, the Adult Social Care (ASC) team received 22 new safeguarding concerns, 18 of which were within the authority. Four of the Q3 concerns progressed to an enquiry stage, but two Q3 concerns concluded during this period, and the remaining two Q3 concerns are yet to conclude following a S42 enquiry.


RESOLVED, that – the report be noted.

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