Report of the Director of Community and Children’s Services.
Members are asked to note 2 non-public appendices at agenda item 21.
The Sub Committee received a report of the Director of Community and Children’s Services, which updated Members on performance across the Children and Families Service. It demonstrated where performance meets statutory obligations and targets and identified where action was taken for improvement in specific areas.
In response to a question about young people not in education or training (NEETS), the officers advised that some have mental health issues but they are known extremely well to the team and reviewed regularly. The home environments are well-scrutinised, to ensure there are no barriers to gaining employment, training or volunteering placements, but some might be prevented from doing so due to their immigration status.
Members noted that the majority of children in care and care leavers are young men and boys, and largely unaccompanied asylum seekers, but this demographic tends to change frequently. There was less transport to the UK during the lockdown, and therefore less unaccompanied asylum seeking children for a while, but this has since picked up.
Officers advised that, during Lockdown, more early help/ very early help was offered, in order to prevent low level needs turning into to a risk.
RESOLVED, that – the report be noted.
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