Agenda item

National Lead Force Update

Report of the Commissioner.


Members received a report of the Commissioner regarding the National Lead Force. An update was provided on the following matters:


·       Procurement of the next generation Fraud and Cyber Crime Reporting and Analysis Service and the focus on Victim Care.

·       Disruption of the sale of counterfeit goods and the challenges faced post-Brexit.

·       COLP to report back on what work could be done to intercept counterfeit goods in ports (e.g. working with Trading Standards) (4/2022/P).

·       How the City of London Police planned to raise the profile of IP Crime, so that it might be taken more seriously.

·       Threats to bypass Multi-Factor Authentication.

·       Ongoing work on setting strategic objectives, with a view of fostering a more organised and co-ordinated response.


RESOLVED, that the update be noted.

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