Report of the Director of Community and Children’s Services.
The Sub Committee received a report of the Director of Community and Children’s Services in respect of the decision taken, in February 2022, approving a repayment of an element of weekly water charges paid by secure tenants of the Corporation, from 2005-2019. The rebate amounted to approximately £1.4m and was credited to rent accounts for current and former tenants in March 2022. This this report provided Members with an update on progress. There had been a significant reduction in rent arrears; which are currently at their lowest since 2015/16.
Members noted that the team were now concentrating on claims from former tenants and credit refunds to current tenants. Some 177 claims were pending. The officer explained that, initially, the backlog had been due to the sheer volume of work but the team were catching up, and residents can approach the Estate Offices and income recovery officers for assistance.
In respect of the rebates between 2001-2005, officers had written to residents about this period, explaining the procedure and the different between this and claims post 2005. Since then, 99 tenants had come forward to claim for 2001-5 and officers would be writing to eligible people again, by way of a reminder. There had been a number of claims taking longer than 30 days, but this was due to a mixture of staff absence and the detailed checks that Chamberlains need to carry out before approving payment. Additionally, the rebate has to be credited to the rent account before it is paid out, in order to comply with accounting procedures.
RESOLVED, that – the report be noted.
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