Agenda item

Community Centre Policy Review

Report of the Director of Community and Children’s Services.


The Sub Committee considered a report of the Director of Community and Children’s Services  in respect of the Community Centres Policy, which was first approved in 2019. Members noted that the Policy reflected the recent addition of the Portsoken Community Centre to the facilities managed by the Housing Division but there had been no changes to the substance of the policy.


Members were concerned about an outstanding issue in respect of the Wi-Fi provision, and two commercial users were being significantly affected.  Officers advised that they had been in constant contact with BT Open Reach; the matter should have been resolved on 11th May but only half of the work had been done.   Subsequent to this meeting this, the matter was finally resolved.  

Members would receive an annual report on Community Centre income and expenditure, as part of the Housing Update report.  The Officer advised that Portsoken’s closed accounts had not been available when this report was produced. 


RESOLVED, that – the  revised Community Centres Policy be approved, for use by the Housing Division, and with a standard three-year review period



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