Agenda item

*CoLP Provisional Capital and Revenue Outturn 2021-22

Report of the Commissioner.


The Committee received a report of the Commissioner of Police on the City of London Police Capital and Revenue Outturn 2021-2022.


The Committee were informed of the reasons for revenue underspend of £2M noting that this provided the opportunity to increase reserves with the proposal to pay into the general reserve and combine earmarked reserves to bring the general reserve to £4.3M.


The Chair noted he had concerns over the ability of the Force to adequately plan and execute capital spending budget exercises.


Following a discussion by the Committee on the suitability of combining reserves it was requested that Officers prepare a report for Committee consideration on the proposals for the reserves policy.  


In response to a Member question it was confirmed that key decisions on the realignment of capital priorities would be take by the City of London Police Chief Officer group.



                     I.        the report be noted; and

                    II.        That Members noted that PAB will be asked to approve the proposed allocation of the £2m underspend to the General Reserve, along with the consolidation of other earmarked reserves into General Reserve as highlighted, when the final outturn is presented to June PAB.


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