Agenda item

Project Governance

Report of the Chief Operating Officer


The Sub Committee considered a report of the Chief Operating Officer outlining interim arrangements for project governance, including a temporary request for delegated authority to Tier 1 Chief Officers, to approve all reports for projects with an estimated cost of below £1m (excluding risk). The Chief Operating Officer introduced the report and drew Members’ attention to the key points, advising that the proposals prefaced a wider review of the Project procedure which would be brought back to the Sub Committee.


Members commented that they supported the proposals, noting that this followed successful increases in delegated authority thresholds in other areas. A Member proposed that those exercising delegated authority be required to complete appropriate modules of the Project Management Academy to ensure that those with delegated authority are properly skilled and trained in exercising that authority.


RESOLVED – That the Operational Property and Projects Sub Committee agree to:


  1. Delegate authority for all projects with an estimated cost of below £1m (excluding risk) to Tier 1 Chief Officers and officers listed in Appendix 1 for approval;


  1. Note that Members will be presented with a range of options for revised thresholds in July; and


  1. Note that another report will be submitted in October to amend the Projects Procedure.

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