Agenda item

Barbican Estate Tower Lift Refurbishment - Gateway 1-4: Project Proposal and Options Appraisal

Report of the Director of Community and Children’s Services.


The Committee received a report of the Director of Community and Children’s Services in respect of a programme of works to replace all lifts in Shakespeare, Cromwell and Lauderdale Towers on the Barbican Estate.  Members noted there are 9 lifts in total, three serving each Tower.


In response to a question about the options in the report; i.e., repair or replacement, the Assistant Director advised that the City’s Gateway Projects Procedure requires options to be set out and discounted where not viable.   It was suggested that this might be perceived as misleading, and the report should emphasise that repair is not an option in this case.   The Assistant Director also advised that this was a GW1-4 report, seeking fee approval and resident consultation to inform the specification.   The representative for Shakespeare Tower was invited to speak to the team, outside of the meeting, to share ideas and concerns about the works and interim lift performance. 


Members noted that, for consistency, a single contractor would be appointed and, as the team do not have expertise in house for a lift replacement; the project management aspects might need to be externalised.   The Assistant Director further explained that the project presented an opportunity to make the lift system more sustainable and efficient; with the possibility of tapping into green external funding streams rather than recovering costs entirely from leaseholders.    


RESOLVED, that - the report be noted.


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