To consider the report of the Executive Director Environment.
A Member sought clarification on whether there were options for amending the scope to take into account increased costs. The meeting heard that negotiations were under way to clarify the amendment of any scope given the likelihood of increased materials costs.
A Member asked what construction cost increases had been factored in, and the meeting heard that the new contract rates had been used.
The meeting heard that the previous governance processes noted that reports were submitted to the officer Corporate Project Board, but that reference to this would be removed from this and similar project reports in future.
RESOLVED, That the Committee:
1. Approve the budget of £50,000 to reach the next Gateway,fully fundedfrom a Section106 agreement;
2. Note the total estimated cost of the project at £200,000 (excludingrisk); and
3. Authoriseofficers toenter intoa Section278 agreement with the developer.
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