Agenda item

Leadenhall Street traffic management- Eastern City Cluster

To consider the report of the Executive Director Environment.





The Committee considered the report of the Executive Director Environment.


RESOLVED, That the Committee

1. Note and approve the contents of this report;

2. Note and agree that this project’s original Gateway 1/2 proposals for Leadenhall Street will not be progressed at this time;

3. Approve a change in project title to ‘Leadenhall Street Improvements – City Cluster Vision Programme’ to better reflect the approved scope of work;

4. Approve the amendment of the previously agreed budget (no change in the approved overall amount) detailed in Appendix 2, Table 2;

5. Approve the updated funding strategy set out Appendix 2, Table 3;

6. Approve a Costed Risk Provision (CRP) of £57,000 detailed in Appendix 3 (to be drawn down via delegation to Chief Officer);

7. Note that the requested CRP includes provision for the implementation of an experimental timed point closure on Leadenhall Street that can be seen in Appendix 4 should this be required (subject to recommendation 8).

8. By virtue of the promotion of experimental timed point closure proposals being placed within the risk register, that authority to implement this is delegated to the Executive Director Environment subject to their prior consideration of the statutory consultation responses, TfL’s TMAN process and the Equalities Impact Assessment (and to them being satisfied, following such consideration, that implementation should proceed);

9. Note that the next report to committee is planned for Q2 2023 when funding to progress the transformational scheme for Leadenhall Street may be in place.


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