Report of the Director of Community & Children’s Services
The Board considered a joint report of the Director of Public Health (City and Hackney) and the Director of Community and Children’s Services, which outlined a proposal to develop a Joint Children & Families Health and Wellbeing Framework (the Framework) that will align with the City and Hackney vision, 9 system strategic priorities, and the overarching systems integrated outcomes framework, which may include NHS, public health, social care and educational outcomes, as relevant. Members noted that the London Borough of Hackney’s Cabinet had agreed this as a key decision on 27 June 2022.
During the discussion on this item, the following points were noted:
It would be helpful to Members of the City of London Corporation if more information could be provided about Hackney’s vision and strategic priorities. The Director of Public Health agreed to include this in appendices to future reports.
Officers agreed to engage with the City Corporation’s Young People’s Portfolio Holder.
The Assistant Director, Commissioning and Partnerships, assured Members of the high level of engagement in drafting this report, and that the City of London Corporation’s views were being included, to ensure alignment with the City Corporation’s strategic priorities and direction.
In respect of those City residents who use Tower Hamlets Primary Care Services, school nursing and health visiting will continue to be delivered in the City, regardless of where a resident’s GP is located. Members noted that the London Borough of Tower Hamlets are working on a similar framework.
In concluding, the Board generally supported the principles, noting that this report seeks to endorse a direction of travel and It was suggested that future iterations of the report should be more specific in terms of outcomes for both the City and Hackney. The Deputy Director of Public Health confirmed that the report is a first step in the development of the framework and the Board will have more opportunities to provide input. Members noted that, if they are minded to approve the recommendations, the City Corporation’s Community and Children’s Services Committee would receive the report for information at their next meeting.
The continued direction of travel, in terms of partnership and integration across the breadth of children’s health, be noted and endorsed; mirroring current integration of children’s social care and education, and progressing integrated children’s health work
The establishment by the City of London Corporation (with Hackney Council and other applicable partners) of a Joint Children and Families Health Framework be endorsed and approved as a mechanism to support this.
The development of several key partnership principles, which will underpin all children’s health work going forward, be endorsed and approved, noting that they will need to be formally agreed and signed off by all relevant partners.
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