Agenda item

All Change at Bank

To consider the report of the Executive Director Environment.


In response to a question from a Member on approval stages, the meeting heard that the Committee would be consulted at each stage of the plan. The committee would scrutinise the project on behalf of the Grand Committee and make recommendations for the Grand Committee and ultimately the Court of Common Council to consider.



A Member commented on the cost risk set out in paragraph 19 and asked whether a sum was to be submitted to the Court, and the meeting heard that cost estimates were awaited subject to approval of the overall approach.


A Member expressed concern that private vehicle hire interest groups might not fully support the proposals, and that their interests were not necessarily reflected in the equalities analysis that did not appear to reflect the make-up of that group. 


A Member commented that weekends were increasingly busy in the City, and that any plan should be future-proofed to take into account a 7-day week. The meeting heard that different timings had been considered (p.46 of the agenda pack), and that timing extensions were being considered. The meeting heard that pedestrians were still the top priority in future plans.


A Member commented that legalisation of private e-scooters would represent an increased risk, and asked whether such legalisation could be factored in as a way of future-proofing the proposals. The meeting heard that privately owned e-scooters were currently illegal (excluding trial e-scooters) and that if private e-scooters were legalised then further consideration would need to be given to the proposals, and they had not been included in modelling so far. The meeting heard that further information on the e-scooter trial was likely to be provided to the July meeting.


A Member commented that further consideration needed to be given to signage, including flashing lights, to alert drivers.  


RESOLVED, That the Committee


1. Recommend to the Grand Committee, in principle, the methodology set out in Appendix 1 for undertaking the traffic and timing mix review as part of the All Change at Bank project; and


2. Note the associated risks with the proposed plan (outlined in paragraphs 19-24).


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