Agenda item

All Change at Bank - Traffic Orders Objection Report

To consider the report of the Executive Director Environment.

NB: Appendix 5 is non-public.


The Committee considered the report of the Executive Director Environment.


A Member commented that taxi app registration could potentially incorporate information on blue-badge holders that could make signage issues less complex, it was  noted that such a system would need to be London-wide, supported by TfL, and that the technology used would need to be reliable.  



A Member asked for clarification on U-turns on different types of streets, and the meeting heard that the issue was being further examined.  


A Member asked for clarification on taxi casualty fatality figures, and the meeting heard that the figures were intended to illustrate differences across modes of transport and that the term ‘taxi’ did not refer solely to licensed black cabs.



A Member asked for clarification on a bus shuttle provision, and the meeting noted that the term ‘shuttle’ was misleading and was no longer being used but was used to describe buses travelling alternately along a single traffic lane.



The Committee considered aspects of appendix 5 in the non-public section of the meeting.


RESOLVED, That the Committee


1.    Note the report;

2.    Agree that in this instance no public inquiry is necessary before making the orders;

3.    Consider the objections received and endorse that the traffic orders related to the All Change at Bank project be approved to be ‘made’, taking into consideration the objections received to the traffic orders as detailed below;

4.    Agree the modification of the proposed ‘at anytime’ loading restriction in Mansion House Place be modified from the advertised 15.6m to 15m at the junction with Mansion House Street; and

5.    Note that on this basis, construction of the All Change at Bank project will commence in the Autumn of 2022, subject to no legal challenge being filed.


Supporting documents: