Agenda item

All Change at Bank: traffic and timings review plan

Report of the Executive Director, Environment


The Committee considered a report of the Executive Director of Environment asking the Committee to approve in principle a methodology for the review of traffic and timings at Bank Junction, acknowledging that it might have to vary depending upon the results of the work, engagement, and agreements with Transport for London on the technical specification of the traffic model (which has yet to take place). The Executive Director of Environment introduced the report and drew Members’ attention to the key points. The Committee noted that the recommendations had been supported by the Streets & Walkways Sub Committee, following substantive discussion.


A Member commented that effort should be made to learn lessons from the review and take these forward into policy-making, and to take account of the consequences of matters such as Covid-19, going forwards as well as in the present. The Member added that schemes and strategy considered by the Committee should prioritise the restoration of economic activity, and that the relevance of proposals to this aim should be clearly stated within reports. The Chairman responded that full account needed to be taken of the lessons learned from previous projects, and that Bank Junction should still be seen as an opportunity, and needed to be considered in the context of other work, such as the Bank Station capacity upgrades by TfL.


The Chairman added that the original driver of the Bank Junction schemes was health and safety, and this had to be kept in mind. The Chairman encouraged Members’ feedback on the approach to the review, but noted that the Committee could not revisit the Motion instructing the review, or the All Change at Bank or Bank on Safety projects themselves.


A Member advised that they had concerns over the risk implications set out in the report and whether these were sufficiently ameliorated. The Executive Director of Environment responded that the review originally planned had been brought forward as a result of the Motion, and accepted that this had risk implications, but officers would try to mitigate against the risks set out as far as possible. Officers also held regular discussions with TfL, with whom as much as agreement as possible would be reached. The Chairman added that the Motion had immediate requirements for the Committee, and these would need to be worked through in accordance with the current circumstances.


Arising from the discussion, the Chairman sought the views of the Committee on the recommendations, and with a majority of Members voting in favour, the recommendations were agreed.


RESOLVED – That the Planning & Transportation Committee:


  1. Agree, in principle, the methodology set out in Appendix 1 for undertaking the traffic and timing mix review as part of the All Change at Bank project; and


  1. Note the associated risks with the proposed plan (outlined in paragraphs 19-24).

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