Agenda item

15-16 Minories, 62 Aldgate High Street London EC3N 1AL: Submission of details to partially discharge Condition 37-A (External Facade Materiality), 37-B (Typical Facade Details) and 37-L (Flank Wall Treatment) of planning permission 15/01067/FULL dated 19.08.2016

Report of the Chief Planning Officer and Development Director


The Committee considered a report of the Chief Planning Officer and Development Director regarding the submission of details to partially discharge Condition 37-A (External Facade Materiality), 37-B (Typical Facade Details) and 37-L (Flank Wall Treatment) of planning permission 15/01067/FULL dated 19 August 2016. The Chief Planning Officer and Development Director introduced and presented the report, setting out the history of the relevant planning permission and conditions, and outlining the proposals for consideration. The recommendation was that the Committee agree to discharge conditions 37-A and 37-B in part, and 37-L in full.


A Member noted that the Committee had previously asked for details in respect of materials to be brought back to the Committee for approval, and queried whether similar requests should be made more frequently where necessary. The Member commented that there would be no daylight lost as a result of the proposals, and that the proposed red render to the flank wall was interesting and satisfactorily explained. The Committee was assured that the proposals would not compromise the climactic integrity of the building and all panels would be appropriately insulated. In response to a question from the Chairman regarding fire safety, the Committee was advised that the proposed materials were non-combustible, and compliant with fire regulations.


Arising from the discussion, the Chairman drew the Committee’s attention to the recommendation, which was agreed.


With regards to whether similar decisions should routinely be reserved to the Committee, the Chairman sought the views of Members, first commenting that he felt officers were capable of making all necessary technical decisions, and that whilst these matters may be of human interest, the Committee should delegate these decisions to officers, noting that effective time and agenda management would be important going forward, with a number of major applications in the pipeline.


A Member added that they did not feel it was an efficient use of the Committee’s time to consider the discharging of conditions unless it were absolutely necessary, although more detail on this matter could have been included at the time. Another Member commented that whilst it would be more work for the Committee, applications were sometimes sufficiently outline that the Committee should have the ability to reserve approval of the discharging of certain conditions, adding that if the Committee set stronger conditions at the planning permission stage, this would seldom be necessary. A Member added that they agreed that the default position should be to delegate to officers, but noted that there would be rare circumstances in which a particular condition frustrated to the extent that it should be put to the Committee to consider.


The Chief Planning Officer and Development Director clarified that as a matter of policy, the Committee did not consider outline planning permissions, and confirmed that the planning application originally approved in this case had not been for outline planning permission. The Chief Planning Officer and Development Director further advised that in their view, these matters should continue to be delegated to officers.


RESOLVED – That the Planning & Transportation Committee resolves to discharge condition 37 (a) and (b) in part and condition 37 (l) in full, of planning permission reference 15/01067/FULL.

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