Agenda item

Any Other Business the Chair Considers Urgent


In addition to the reviews around the projects aspect of the Sub Committee’s remit, the Chair advised that he had asked for a list of all operational properties and some information in respect of them such as vacancy and occupancy rates, and maintenance records, which would be circulated to Members of the Sub Committee after the meeting. The Chair added that the Sub Committee had responsibility for efficient management of the portfolio, and that they would need to consider all options to achieve this, including disposal. The Chair suggested that following the summer recess, the Sub Committee review the portfolio in conjunction with service committees to assess the use of these assets and their cost.


A Member commented that there had not been enough action in respect of maintenance, with numerous examples of overdue work going back over 20 years, which now had significant costs attached to them. The Member added that there was too much desire to hold on to ineffectual property, and a closer look and consideration of all options was required. Another Member commented that whilst they disagreed with the principle of disposal, it was right for the Sub Committee to review the operational property portfolio, and suggested that authority be sought from the Policy & Resources Committee or Court of Common Council for the Sub Committee to take required action.


The Chair advised that he would undertake sufficient fact-finding with a view to collecting enough detail and a breakdown of financial information such as cost and bow wave, and would seek any clarification required on governance mechanisms by which to resolve disputes.