Agenda item

Gateway 3/4 - Hampstead Heath Swimming Facilities - Safety, Access and Security Improvements

Joint Report of the Executive Director of Environment & the City Surveyor


The Sub Committee considered a Gateway 3/4 report of the Executive Director of Environment & the City Surveyor regarding safety, access and security improvements at the Hampstead Heath Swimming Facilities. In response to a question from a Member, the City Surveyor advised that officers were confident that the estimated practical completion date of May 2023 remained achievable.


RESOLVED – That the Operational Property and Projects Sub Committee agree:


1.    That additional budget of £30,700 is approved to reach the next Gateway;


2.    Note the revised project budget of £163,700 (excluding risk);


3.    Note the total estimated cost of the project at £691,245 (excluding risk);


4.    That a Costed Risk Provision of £27,000 is approved to reach the next Gateway (to be drawn down via delegation to City Surveyor;


5.    That Option 2 is progressed as the only viable option; and


6.    Note that a minor planning application was submitted on 7th June 2022.

Supporting documents: