Agenda item

Anchor Programme

Report of the Managing Director of BHE


The Committee considered a report of the Managing Director of BHE requesting approval to proceed with the implementation of the Anchor Programme, a proposed new funding stream which aimed to grow stronger, more resilient communities. The Managing Director of BHE introduced the report and presented the proposals to the Committee.


In response to a question from the Deputy Chair, the Managing Director of BHE outlined the process by which the proposed allocation of £20 million had been reached, which had included a design group in conjunction with partner organisations, and how CBT would mitigate against inflationary costs. The Committee was advised that whilst the proposed allocation was not necessarily intended to bring in other funders, the funding may exercise CBT’s natural leverage. The Managing Director of BHE then confirmed that grants proposed as part of the proposed would be submitted in accordance with the usual framework.


A Member commented that it was important to define what systemic change would look like within the context of the proposals. The Managing Director of BHE thanked the Member for raising this point and responded that CBT would aim to be clear on what the groups involved wanted from the programme, and that an advisory group would be in place during implementation and delivery of the programme.


The Chair then thanked Members for their comments before drawing the Committee’s attention to the recommendations.

RESOLVED – That the Grants Committee of the BHE Board agree to allocate up to £20m, in principle, to be committed between 2022/23 and 2024/25, and subject to the usual assessment (including financial assessment) and delegated authority protocols, towards “Anchor Programme” grants which meet the proposal/guidelines set out.

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