Report of the Remembrancer
The Board received a report of the Remembrancer in respect of the Health and Social Care Act 2022, which will introduce Integrated Care Systems (ICSs). Members noted that the ICSs will be partnerships of providers and commissioners of NHS services across a geographical area, together with local authorities and other local partners. The ICSs will collectively plan health and care services in relation to their local populations. NHS England have indicated that there will be no delegations in the first year, whilst the structures bed in.
During the discussion and questions, the following points were noted:
It might be timely to review the Board’s Terms of Reference, possibly including a representative from Tower Hamlets.
Under the previous arrangement, decisions were taken by the Integrated Commissioning Partnership Board (ICPB) on behalf of each statutory organisation, and not just the NHS. There was a general agreement that this model, with 3 Members and Deputies, had worked well.
A meeting had been scheduled to consider governance matters further, with the Director of Community and Children’s Services in attendance. Officers agreed to circulate the draft membership to the Board, noting that not all the places had been confirmed.
The Director of Public Health expressed concern about the changes being communicated at such a late stage but it was noted that the secondary legislation guidance had been delayed. Once officers had received this, the Board would be able to review its Terms of Reference.
Healthwatch would like to have more information in terms of how it will impact on service users and patient involvement and felt that the current structure lacks some clarity on decision making and accountability.
The Department of Community and Children’s Services are seeking advice from the City Solicitor in terms of governance and representation of City Members, given the City’s unique position in that it does not have Members with Executive decision making powers.
RESOLVED, that – the report be noted.
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