Agenda item

Establishment of a Special Sub-committee

Report of the Town Clerk


The Committee considered a report of the Town Clerk recommending the establishment of a special sub-committee to determine an application in respect of The Turret, John Wesley Highwalk, Barbican. The Comptroller and City Solicitor introduced the report and drew Members’ attention to the key points, also advising that it had been concluded that the Barbican Residential Committee and former Projects Sub Committee should not be named as having been involved in promoting the proposal. The Comptroller and City Solicitor therefore proposed that the report be amended to remove references to these committees within the recommendations, report and appended Handling Note. The Committee then moved to agree the recommendations, as amended, and these were agreed.


RESOLVED – That the Planning & Transportation Committee:


  1. Adopt the Handling Note in the Appendix to this Report, as amended;


  1. Establish a Special Sub-committee with the following Terms of Reference: to determine planning application reference: 20/00271/FULL and associated Listed Building Consent application 20/00272/LBC;


  1. That the Special Sub-committee sits following the rising of the Planning and Transportation on a date to be determined; and


  1. That the Special Sub-committee be constituted of all Members of Planning and Transportation Committee other than those who were past members of the Corporate Asset Sub (Finance) Committee whilst that committees was responsible for bringing forward the planning application/proposal.

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