Agenda item


The Chairman to be heard.


The Chairman reported that he would be replacing Sir David Wootton as one of the Aldermanic representatives on the Policy and Resources Committee. Alderman Luder would remain on the Committee as would Alderman Hailes. It was reported that SABTAC also had a place on the Policy and Resources Committee and that Alderman Lyons would therefore rotate off after the September meeting and be replaced by Alderman Mainelli. The Chairman reported that this would be revisited regularly and welcomed any comments that Alderman might have either now or outside of the meeting.


The Chairman went on to report that he also had a number of ex-officio places on various Committees but also had the right of delegation to some of these. With this in mind, he reported that it was his intention to allow Sir David Wootton to continue as his representative on the Capital Buildings Committee to ensure continuity and to ask the Deputy Chairman, Sir Charles Bowman to sit on the Equality, Diversity & Inclusion Sub-Committee.


Alderman Hailes reported that he was also on the Capital Buildings Committee as an ex-officio appointment from the Police Authority Board. In terms of the Operational Property and Projects Sub Committee which he now chaired, he reported that the terms of reference for this were extensive and included responsibility, in conjunction with the relevant service Committees, for all of the City Corporation’s operational property including areas of particular interest for the Aldermen such as Mansion House, the Central Criminal Court and the Magistrates Court. He therefore reassured the Committee that, in chairing this new Sub Committee, he would be in a position to ensure that the Court of Aldermen’s voice was heard in relation to these matters.


RESOLVED – That the General Purposes Committee agree the revised appointments to the Policy and Resources Committee.