Agenda item

Resolutions on retirements, Congratulatory Resolutions, Memorials etc.


(i)          Resolved:- That in taking their leave of




upon his retirement as Alderman for the Ward of Bridge and Bridge Without, this Court desires to place on record its most sincere appreciation of the exemplary service that he has given to the City Corporation and, in particular, to this Court, over the past fifteen years.


Alan was first admitted to this Court as Alderman for the Ward of Bridge and Bridge Without in February 2007.


During his tenure, Alan has served on many of the City Corporation’s key committees, including the Policy and Resources Committee, the Finance Committee and the Planning and Transportation Committee. He has also been an active and enthusiastic member of several livery companies, namely the Worshipful Company of Fishmongers, the Worshipful Company of International Bankers and the Glaziers.


He faithfully served the ancient office of Sheriff of the City of London in 2011/12 before becoming Lord Mayor in September 2014. As the 687th Lord Mayor, Alan was most ably supported by Gilly, the Lady Mayoress who herself undertook a varied programme with passion and commitment. Throughout his Mayoralty, Alan was tireless in his efforts to promote the City as a financial and professional services centre, both at home and overseas. Indeed, his Mayoral motto for the year – Creating Wealth, Giving Time, Supporting People – was evident through all that he did, and informed a number of key initiatives aimed at promoting a better understanding of the positive role played by the financial and professional services industry. City Giving Day, now a well-known annual event that unites businesses in the City and beyond through their charity and community partnerships, was launched to great aplomb the year prior to Alan’s Mayoralty and in 2015, under Alan Yarrow, it gained huge momentum with 205 businesses taking part. Alan carried out this demanding role with commitment, integrity and good humour and these qualities will all be sorely missed by his fellow Aldermen.


In taking their leave his colleagues would like to express to Alan their sincere thanks for his many years of service, with the hope that he, his wife Gilly, and their two sons will look back on his civic life with the greatest pleasure, justifiable pride and immense satisfaction for all that he has achieved for the wider City, for the City Corporation and for this Court. 


(ii)        Resolved: - That in taking their leave of




upon his retirement as Alderman for the Ward of Walbrook, this Court desires to place on record its most sincere appreciation of the service that he has given to the City Corporation and, in particular, to this Court, over the past thirteen years.


John was first admitted to this Court as Alderman for the Ward of Walbrook in September 2009.


During his tenure, John has served on many of the City Corporation’s key committees, including the Finance Committee and the Planning and Transportation Committee. He has also been a very active and enthusiastic member of several livery companies. He was Upper Bailiff and is currently a Court Assistant of the Worshipful Company of Weavers, the City of London’s oldest Livery Company. He is Honorary Court Assistant of the Joiners & Ceilers Livery Company, is a Liveryman of the International Bankers Livery company and, to date, has been the Sponsoring Alderman and Court Assistant of the Guild of Investment Managers, one of the newest Guilds in the City. In addition, he has remained closely involved in Ward activities and is President of the Ward of Walbrook Ward Club as well as a member of two others, Cheap and Coleman Street.


John was appointed by Royal Warrant as High Sheriff of Greater London in 2020/21. As an Under Warden and High Sheriff of Greater London Alderman John Garbutt JP was the first City Alderman to occupy both roles simultaneously for 125 years. John is also involved in numerous UK and international charitable organisations, including being a Life Vice President of the British Red Cross. In 2013, he and Solangela spent many months organising the British Red Cross Christmas Market, held at the Guildhall, which spread plenty of Christmas cheer but, more importantly, raised over £150,000 for the charity.


In taking their leave his colleagues would like to express to John their sincere thanks for his years of service, with the hope that he, Solangela, and their family will long retain many happy memories of a successful civic life and all he has achieved for the City, the Corporation and this Court.