Agenda item

Culture Mile

Report of the Director of Innovation and Growth.


Members received a report of the Executive Director of Innovation and Growth relative to the Culture Mile.


Members welcomed the report and presentation from the Culture Mile Manager.


A Member said that they felt there was a lack of an overall strategy for culture, and it was important that the City Corporation could demonstrate that it was a leading cultural sector. Officers replied that the key document for strategic planning was the City Plan.


A Member raised the issue of the development on London Wall West. They felt it was a strategically important site and the cultural options for the development could have been explored in greater depth. These comments were supported by several other Members. A Member said that the development was the responsibility of the Property Investment Board, which was why the opportunities for commercial revenue on the site were being maximised.


A Member commented that Business Improvement Districts (BID) were not always the most accountable of bodies, and urged caution on the governance arrangements for these. Officers replied that new BIDs must be convened by the City Corporation and that as the proposal for a Culture Mile BID developed there would be close collaboration between it, existing BIDs and the City Corporation. The City Corporation was also working on wider governance arrangements to supervise BIDs in the Square Mile.


RESOLVED, that – the report be received and its contents noted.


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